
1 week and 2 days ago (17 Jul 24 14:25)

v2.41.1 is live now.

  • Archived and Locked properties of thread have been moved to ThreadMetadata property of the thread from top level, this has been done to keep parity with discord api.
  • Fixed ui issues introduced in last release on CC page for adding new responses
  • Added dropdown for redirecting errors from a CC to a different channel than the triggering channel.
  • Fixed issues with empty PremiumSince and Flags property on member.
  • Fixed confusing UI for cc group disabling ( Please note active CCs in a disabled group still count towards your CC limit, if you don't want them to count towards that, deactivate them individually)
  • Fixed issues with openThread function, though it will now work with a channel_id only, channel object won't work.
  • other general fixes and enhancements.
  • Reduced reddit free tier limit to 20 feeds
  • Reduced youtube free tier limit to 10 feeds

If you need higher limits, please get a premium and support the bot.

(Your feeds exceeding the free tier limit have been auto disabled)

Laksa for @jo3_l @lzodd @borbot for contributing to this release.

Full release notes:


3 weeks and 4 days ago (01 Jul 24 18:25)

v2.40... ( checks notes), v2.40.7 is live now.

  • This removes redundant ORMS ( libraries to connect to the database for people who don't understand programming) and uses a single ORM all over the bot, this makes it easier to maintain the bot, even though the release may have not given the impression.
  • Fixed a bug with se command removing title if not provided during editing an embed.
  • Poll, WYR, and other commands that have paginated response now follow command overwrite setting to delete responses.
  • Added Support to Disable Custom command Groups, this disabled all custom commands in the group ( Even though the commands group is disabled the CCs are still counted as a part of your active CC limit respective to your free / premium status, this will be fixed in future releases)
  • added functions to encode to and decode from base64

    {{encodeBase64 "i hate ducks"}}
    {{decodeBase64 "aSBoYXRlIGR1Y2tz"}}
  • added function to create hash (sha256) of a string

    {{hash "i hate ducks"}}
  • Fixed minor bugs with interactions in custom commands

  • Fixed minor bugs with thread function in custom commands

  • Other general bug fixes and security patches.

Kathi Roll for @lzodd @borbot @jo3_l @soggysaussages @savage4618 for contributing to this release.

Full release notes:

NOTICE: The Free tier limits for reddit feed and youtube feed will be reduced to 10 from the current 50, your existing feeds beyond the limit will be auto-deactivated, this will happen in the next release, and this is the final notice for it.


4 weeks and 1 day ago (27 Jun 24 11:47)

v2.39.5 is live as a hotfix on the dashboard only.

This adds a checkbox above the CC responses to disable CodeMirror ui, this was added because CodeMirror 5 mobile compatibility is not great.

Full changelog:


5 weeks and 1 day ago (20 Jun 24 09:37)

starting July 1st 2024, the number of free feeds on reddit and youtube will be reduced to 10 from the current 50, Your existing feeds beyond the new free limit will be deactivated automatically. If you really need more feeds please get a premium subscription and support the bot.


5 weeks and 5 days ago (16 Jun 24 12:02)

v2.39.0 is live now.

  • You can now sort a slice of dicts/structs using a key
  • viewperms command now supports an optional channel param to view perms of yagpdb in a specific channel from another channel.
  • Fixed a bug in ui where a custom command is deleted even when the actions is cancelled in the delete confirmation pop-up.
  • Custom Command editor now has syntax highlighting.
  • Added optional support for delay in addRole and takeRole functions.
  • Added new conditions to advanced auto-mod for messages with and without attachments
  • Added Support cross channel identical messages detection in advanced auto-mod.
  • Added functions for editing threads and closing them using ccs.
  • Added support for interactions in custom commands. Reference Documentation
  • A lot of bug fixes and enhancements.

Full changelog:

Jambon for @phenpessoa @j.stephano @jo3_l @lzodd @soggysaussages @Deleted User for contributing to this release


11 weeks and 1 day ago (09 May 24 14:00)

v2.38.0 is live now.

  • Did youtube reliability improvements.
  • Using reminder command in a server will only show you reminders set in that server, for all reminders you can see it in DM.

Full Changelog:


13 weeks and 2 days ago (24 Apr 24 12:41)

v2.37.0 is live now.

  • Premium servers can now have CCs that are upto 20k characters long.
  • Fixes to import CCs

Full Changelog:


14 weeks and 2 days ago (17 Apr 24 10:22)

v2.36.0 is live now!

  • Read Only access to the yagpdb dashboard has been removed for "All members" and "All non-members" , you can still give read-only access by Roles.
  • CC command output now has links to the custom command.
  • Reason in discord audit log will be be added for moderation actions which were missing it earlier.
  • createThread function in CC has two new params auto_archive_duration and invitable added to it, read discord docs to understand what these params do on a thread.
  • .Member should now have PremiumSince and Flags properties.
  • Added support for making custom commands public and importable, when you set a custom command as public, a sharable link is created with which anyone can copy the CC to their own servers. Damn!
  • Fixed minor UI issues on CC page.
  • Fixed Typos and warnings.
  • Added docker config to let selfhosters debug even when the bot is running in a container, just start from the .debug dockerfiles , Support for now is only for VSCode.
  • Some long pending code cleanup.

Full Changelog

Imqaret for alis0nc @wolveric @soggysaussages for contributing to this release.


16 weeks and 4 days ago (01 Apr 24 05:17)

Ducks are cool.


19 weeks and 2 days ago (13 Mar 24 09:53)

v2.35.1 is live now!

  • Fixed a bug in channel restrictions for thanks detection
  • Added autocomplete on rolemenu (group name) for slash commands
  • Fixed a bug with the evalCC missing the trigger message context

imqaret for @clari7744 @savage4618 @lzodd @soggysaussages @zeing for contributing to this release

Full Changelog:


To add this bot to your server, click login in the upper right corner, then afterwards select it in the "select server" dropdown up top.

Make sure you have manage server permissions and that you are logged into the right account.

Afterwards, explore a little to get familiar with the interface and the features it provides.

If you stumble into any issues and need help, join the support server.

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