
3 weeks ago (20 Feb 25 17:20)

v2.52.0 is live now

  • warning will now log an error in the dm errors channel if the user has blocked the bot and the bot has failed to send a dm to the user
  • added -bots switch to clean command to only delete messages from bots.
  • modifed linkspam and invitespam detection to support the weird non-standard hyperlinking discord allows.
  • moved to audit log events to improve efficiency of mod logs.
  • added -raw flag to roast ( oh the irony) to give a plain text response
  • some internal enhancements and fixes

zapiekanka for @savage @lzodd @Borbot @galen for contributing to this release

Full release notes:

We are at the end of streetfood based release contribution gratuity, If you want to suggest another series feel free to do so in <#166207328570441728>


7 weeks ago (23 Jan 25 13:17)

v2.51.3 is live now

  • Fixes custom commands not running in threads if "Send Message" is denied on parent but "Send Message In Threads" is given, same for forum posts.
  • Automod should now trigger on attachments in forwards too.
  • Fixed file size as per the latest discord change for attachments in ticket transcript.
  • Added support for sending reason for "unwarn" (smh) in modlog.
  • Fixed the channel flag not working in Reminders

A tray of yakisoba to be shared between @SoggySaussages @Colin @galen for contributing to this release! Full release Notes:


7 weeks and 2 days ago (21 Jan 25 13:47)

v2.51.0 is live now!

  • improved error message for regex cache limit in custom commands.
  • improved error message for rolemenu if the failure was because of discord saying "NO".
  • improvements to thanks detection regex for reputation system*
  • fixed a bug for warning where modlog entry wasn't being created if punish dm failed.
  • ne now allows multiple values to be checked like eq, if all the values are different it says "True", if atleast two values are same it says "False"
  • Added a new reputation role system ( automatically give role rewards if people reach a certain reputation )
  • improved logic of disabling custom commands on premium cancellation, it should now disable newest ccs first.
  • fixed an annoying pop-up on youtube notifications page on trying to add new youtube feed.

Uttapam for @Henri @Borbot @joe @lemme @SilentRhetoric for contributing to this release!

Full Release Notes:


9 weeks and 5 days ago (04 Jan 25 18:00)

v2.50.0 is live now!

  • stability fixes for some cc funcs.
  • added error message when max channel limit is reached in tickets category
  • fixed issues with emojis in ticket menu
  • separate thread function ratelimits from channel function ratelimits

Tajada for @SoggySaussages @joe @lemme @Colin @Wolveric Catkin for contributing to this release! Full change-log:

Happy new year! Stay away from ducks. Get premium for yag.


12 weeks and 1 day ago (18 Dec 24 15:44)

v2.49.1 is live now!

  • Improved custom command error alerts on dashboard
  • Added clarification of max age limit of messages to ban and clean command help.
  • Moderation slash commands will not be ephemeral by default, use the command override option provided in last release to make them ephemeral.
  • Ticket open command will now check for perms on category instead of global server perms.
  • Opened ticket will now have buttons for actions if you enable them from the dashboard.
  • Made roast command look better, go cook them ducks.
  • Improvements to the "Discord Blog" page that you see on the dashboard when you login.
  • Reddit feeds will now ignore the /r if you add the subreddit with it in the input box, even though the page already said to not add it, now don't be a duck and do /r/r/r, I'll natu natu you if you come crying about it.
  • Improved link regex to catch weird links which begin with url-encoded chars.
  • role function will have strict checks depending on their type, so you cannot pass roleId to roleName functions.
  • minor bug-fixes and enhancements.

Satay for @SoggySaussages @joe @galen @savage @Wolveric Catkin and half a samosa for @Colin for contributing to this release

Full change-log:

This is the last release of the year 2024! We did 17 major releases and a lot of minor patches ( I am not counting them, if anyone is boring enough to do that, please count and I'll add it here)

Go take a break and enjoy or mope depending on the year you have had, don't forget to get yagpdb premium as gift for your friends and family!


14 weeks and 3 days ago (02 Dec 24 16:35)

v2.48.2 is live now

  • Improved stability for discord premium slots ( it used to get deactivated on API failures)
  • If you have unsaved changes on yagpdb, and you accidentally close the tab, the bot will show an annoying yet important alert.

More Reason to get premium! Yay!

An additional Roasted Cockle for @lzodd for the annoying alert.

Full release notes:


14 weeks and 5 days ago (30 Nov 24 10:40)

v2.48.1 is live now.

  • Fixed rr flag = false not working on a new role-menu, when configured with false, will not remove the role when the reaction is removed.
  • Added support for sending stickers, using complexMessage
  • Added support for forwarding messages, using complexMessage (no, it doesn't work across servers, no, that won't be supported, ask for it and you get bonked.)
  • Added support for cron CCs
  • Added indicator of db usage on db page.
  • And error is thrown now when you divide by 0, don't ducking divide by 0.
  • General bug-fixes and enhancements you don't need to worry about

Obligatory Discord Store Mention, GO BUY

Full release notes:

Roasted Cockles for @SoggySaussages @Wolveric Catkin @Happypig375's alt for testing for contributing to this release.


15 weeks and 1 day ago (27 Nov 24 18:49)

v2.47.4 is live now, apparently patreon added support for gifting subscriptions.

And I was shocked into adding support for it too. Gift it to anyone but ducks here:


16 weeks and 1 day ago (20 Nov 24 15:32)

v2.47.2 is live now.

  • add support for more url types for youtube feed.
  • check for shorts increased to 3 minutes for youtube feed.

This release doesn't need update on the bot instance and will continue to show as v2.47.1 on the status command.

@Wolveric Catkin has been added to the shared plate of poached quail eggs proposed in the last release for contributing to this release.

Change log:

PS: Discord Store Exists


16 weeks and 3 days ago (18 Nov 24 11:34)

v2.47.0 is live now!

  • Message contains ApplicationID property if it was sent by a webhook or an application.
  • Modified some terms on the dashboard to be more inclusive.
  • Added StickerItems property on Message if the message contains stickers.
  • Added Stickers property on Guild which lists all stickers the guild has, this maybe outdated and not always accurate.
  • Number comparisions should be now more reliable in custom commands
  • humanizeDuration for years should be accurate now.
  • yag should be able to work on threads it created immediately after they were created
  • fixed issues with yag not being able to close channels it created for tickets even though it had perms
  • Modlogs for external timeouts now contains duration of the timeout.
  • Advanced Automod now has a new "Send Alert" effect, which sends an alert embed to a channel of your choice, yes this is different from a send message effect somehow. sigh.

Change log:

A single plate of non-shareable Quesadilla for @SoggySaussages for contributing to this release. A single shared plate of poached quail eggs for @savage @J. Stephano @lemme @galen for contributing to this release.

Also, did you know that a monthly subscription of premium costs less than all the profile effects that discord sells combined? You can verify this on our Discord Store.


To add this bot to your server, click login in the upper right corner, then afterwards select it in the "select server" dropdown up top.

Make sure you have manage server permissions and that you are logged into the right account.

Afterwards, explore a little to get familiar with the interface and the features it provides.

If you stumble into any issues and need help, join the support server.

Thanks to our patrons!

Only showing patrons above $10

Patreon tiers above 3$ will grant you premium slots you can assign to servers, see the premium page for more info.

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YAGPDB is open source! The project is hosted on GitHub here: botlabs-gg/yagpdb.

Donate via patreon! Donating $3 or more will grant you premium slots you can assign to servers!

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